The output of the /help command is found in the first section of the configuration file.
# Main Help Command
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/spawn &7&l- &r&dTakes you to spawn"
- "&b/kill &7&l- &r&dKills a player"
- "&b/gms &7&l- &r&dEnters survival mode"
- "&b/gmc &7&l- &r&dEnters creative mode"
- "&5----------"
To add new lines, make sure they each start with "-" and use quotation marks around them.
Version 2.6+
As of V2.6 pages have been added. This means that you can now have a more organised and cleaner looking help menu. You can read more about Version 2.6 here.
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 1: Navigation"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/warp &7&l- &r&dTeleport to predefined locations"
- "&b/home &7&l- &r&dTeleport to your set home location"
- "&b/tpa &7&l- &r&dRequest to teleport to another player"
- "&b/tpahere &7&l- &r&dRequest another player to teleport to you"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 2: Utility"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/heal &7&l- &r&dRestore your health"
- "&b/feed &7&l- &r&dSatisfy your hunger"
- "&b/repair &7&l- &r&dRepair your equipped items"
- "&b/vote &7&l- &r&dVote for the server"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 3: Interaction"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/msg &7&l- &r&dSend a private message to another player"
- "&b/mute &7&l- &r&dMute a player in the chat"
- "&b/unmute &7&l- &r&dUnmute a previously muted player"
- "&b/report &7&l- &r&dReport a player for misconduct"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 4: Management"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/ban &7&l- &r&dBan a player from the server"
- "&b/kick &7&l- &r&dKick a player from the server"
- "&b/mutechat &7&l- &r&dMute the global chat"
- "&b/clearinventory &7&l- &r&dClear your inventory"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 5: Fun Commands"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/summon &7&l- &r&dSummon a mob"
- "&b/lightning &7&l- &r&dStrike lightning at a location"
- "&b/tpall &7&l- &r&dTeleport all players to your location"
- "&b/fly &7&l- &r&dToggle flying mode"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 6: Miscellaneous"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/stats &7&l- &r&dDisplay your player statistics"
- "&b/afk &7&l- &r&dSet yourself as away from keyboard"
- "&b/rules &7&l- &r&dDisplay server rules"
- "&b/reportbug &7&l- &r&dReport a bug to the server administrators"
- "&5----------"
As of Version 2.7, the plugin can handle an infinite amount of pages. For more information go to the pages section.